Saturday, January 20, 2024

Friendship Gems- The Nygaards

It's a new year- and with that comes a renewed  inspiration to get back in the routine of sharing stories from our childhood.   These pictures are not serving any real purpose- being packed away in tidy boxes and bins.  

So without overthinking things- it's time to jump in and start the friendship series that I've had ruminating in my head for months.  

Friendships were an important part of our family's life.  I think a lot of that stemmed from my parents being equally social in nature, they both came from small families without a lot of common interests with their respective siblings and well, simple geography meant they were far from their hometowns.   Making friends- made the distance and differences seem less.  

While lots of families form friendships along the way- what Laura and I  found to be a truly remarkable talent was how our parents were able to maintain close connections with a select group of friends-across not just the span of my parents lifetimes, but extending on to the next generation!  These friendship memories are too cherished to be shoved into a box without any reflection- hence it is my hope to highlight a few of these very special friendships in a new series of chapters titled Friendship gems.

Let's start with what we all consider- the OG of Family Friends- The Nygaards.   

There is a long held family story that my newlywed parents were looking at apartments in Cudahy WI.  Circa August 1959.  They arrived at an apartment, only to discover the person that was supposed to show them the apartment, was either a no show or hadn't arrived.  Whatever the reason-  Richard, eager to get on with the plans to check out apartments-  knocked on the door of one of the current tenants- thinking if they liked that apartment, the one they were considering would be equally suitable.  
I think this is from near the famed apartment?

So- Richard  knocked on that stranger's  door.   Barb opened the door- and as they say- the rest is history.   The family story continues on with my dad sitting down and started to help fold diapers...this of course impressed Barb, a young mother to two young children (Kurt and Kristen).   

From here- a lifelong friendship would develop.
Over the years- that family of 4 would grow to a family of 8...

They would visit the Granum family many times as we bounced around the country..
being a part of many milestone moments in our family's life.
The first photos  I found featuring the Nygaards.. date to July 1961.
Where the guys (Richard and Obie) get back to their farm-boy roots
and help  Grandpa Norman unload bales of hay
While Grandma Hazel visited with Barb and baby Kelly
 the older two checked out what was in the jug
which, if this  photo found from the collection, is accurate..-
let's hope they didn't sample it 
as Audrey really seems to be enjoying whatever was in that mystery jug! 

As the Granum newlyweds became parents, the friendship would start to blossom with the next generation
enjoying a holiday meal of some sorts in Menomonee Falls..
with Martha and Mrs. Beasly a little skeptical about 
no longer holding court as the youngest of the crew..

These wonderful friends would be there...
always at the ready...
to celebrate a milestone event like graduation..
first for Laura...
and in what feels like a blink of an eye...for Laura's son...

They'd be there to offer comfort and support..
through Audrey's battle with breast cancer...
and show up in fierce Nygaard support
as we said our final goodbyes to dad..
They would always be there with 
a fresh cup of coffee in a cozy kitchen
and a welcoming lap when  quiet is what one needs the most

They'd say YES to the road trip...
be it for the girls only..
or join en mass for a week of rodeo mayhem..
and we aren't joking about mayhem..
They would serve to connect family with other friends...
their kids would become a mentor..
and a godmother...both for mine
and for theirs...
we'd learn to lean on them for love and support..
and for lunch..
for in their company...
our family would act a little silly...
sharing a smoke 
or two..
We would  learn from the best...
to always show up for your friends..
to welcome the newbies..
and and to make time to 
reconnect with the ones that were there from the start..
(or close enough to the start)

Through Barb and Obie we would be reminded that
life is too short not to dance in the kitchen
to always be happy to welcome you home..
no matter how long and how far you have wandered...

I suspect as I chip away at the stashed pictures- I will find more photos worth sharing.   But for now..this is a good place to start.

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