Sunday, February 23, 2025

The lost art of...

Sending a postcard.   

Over 20 years ago, I took receipt of Grandma Irene's memorabilia.  It was a giant box that included a hodge podge of photos, invitations, announcements and postcards.    Lots of lots of postcards- as we all knew that Grandma loved to get mail- and hear of our adventures.   

Most of the items- got sorted and sent back to the original source.  With the exception of the items that Audrey had sent to Irene.   Even then, I knew  that sending them to Richard- would only land them in a box, drawer or possibly the trash.   I decided to keep them-not sure what I would do with them.  I only knew that  to me- they were a reflection of the mother-daughter exchange I wasn't quite ready to say goodbye to.

Yesterday- after deconstructing the scrapbooks, I remembered the postcards and decided to pull them out.   Imagine my delight- when I could now align these assorted postcards with the epic family adventures Audrey had memorialized thru her scrapbooks.  And while the ink is fading- I think it is worth sharing here on the blog-  for the sending of postcards is indeed a lost art...

The earliest postcard in the collection that was saved- post marked August 24, 1966...
Twilight on the Dunes...Cape Cod
Audrey writes Hi- made it here today.  Rained buckets all day yesterday.  Laura really likes to watch the fishing boats unload.  Leave for Boston tomorrow.    A second postcard- dated one day later reads Dear Mom, arrived at Cape Cod today.   Am having a good trip.   Weather has been rather cloudy.   But no rain yet.  Laura is having a great time but getting lonesome for playmates.   The scenery is beautiful.

Editors note- I am curious what took this young family to the East Coast and where was I?   I suspect I was left with Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Royal- as I would have only been 13 months old.   Was it a conference?   Who knows- but I find it curious that as family stories go- I have no recall of the parents traveling to the East coast.

The next jump is to 1967- the year of the epic road trip I mentioned in yesterday's post.
Dated 6.19.1967 Audrey writes Dear mom, if you think you have had rain you should see the fields out here.  Made it to Cedar Rapids Saturday night.   The girls are being real good so far.  The weather has been fairly nice.  Only rains while we are driving.  Toured the Amana colonies yesterday but nothing was open.
US Highway No 30 and Green River, 
parallel the Palisades and Toll Rock west of Green River Wyoming
Dated 6.21.67 Audrey writes We spent a wonderful one day and 2 nights with Jimmy and Jack.  Had a heavy rain yesterday.   They wanted us to stay longer and made us promise we would stop on our way back.

Editor's Note- A little foreshadowing- for some 20 years later- Jack and Jimmy would become the closest family for Audrey and Richard...during a time when family was needed most...
Continuing westward...

LDS Tabernacle Salt Lake City, Utah
Dated 6.22.67. Audrey writes Arrived here after traveling through all sorts of weather.  Had a bad storm last night.  Had a good time in Boulder.  Saw much beautiful. scenery today.  Many mountains still have snow on them.

Editor's note- I have been to Salt Lake- many times...but I am not sure I've ever seen this angle of the Tabernacle.   The beauty of a postcard is it transports us back and invokes our own set of memories.   
More foreshadowing- Audrey and Richard would return to Temple least one more time as I took this picture- Easter weekend 1984
Zion National Park, Utah.  
View looking east towards Great Arch of Zion from Park Headquarters

Dated 6.26.67 The narration starts to shift in some of the postcards.  This one was sent by Laura and Martha.  We write (with prodigy like penmanship I might add!). Dear Grandma, we are having a great time.  Today we went swimming in a little brook near our campsite.  We talked to an Indian woman and went on a long hike.  Saw a deer and went thru a tunnel.  It is hot today- near 90 degrees.  Last night was 36.  No rain since Friday.  Hugs and Kisses- Laura and Martha

Editor's note- Another invoked memory- as we have been to Zion in recent years.   I even recall telling Richard how excited I was to "finally make it to Zion".   He either forgot about this trip-or chose not to burst my bubble that I had been there before.   Nobody expects a 2 year old to remember such a trip- but curious he didn't refresh my memory either...another reframing opportunity- he was giving me the opportunity to form my own memories of such a beautiful place as Zion.
Glitter Gulch, Las Vegas Nevada
Daylight finds peace but no quiet along Fremont street- 
the busiest and most exciting three blocks in the world.
Dated 6.29, we are back to Audrey's narrative Arrived here early this morning.  Decided to drive during the night.  Plan to do the same tomorrow.  Desert temp during the day is 116.  Laura pulled the handle on a slot machine and five nickels came out.  It sure has been hot and very windy in the desert.   Tomorrow to Zona's and a few days in California.  

Editor's note- Ah- there's the proof!   It had been a long held family story of how Little Laura played the slots when she was in Vegas.  Now we know the when and how much she walked away with.  Big win, sis- $0.25!   Slow down high roller!
Hearst San Simeon State Historical Monument
The Assembly Room
I can't quite make out the date on this next one- but it is part of the same sequence.  Dear mom, we are on our way again.  We spent 3 days with Zona and family.  The wedding was very nice.  Am touring the coast now and will return to LA and then Disneyland.   This castle is truly beautiful.  All is well.   The rest at Zona's helped a lot!

Editor's note- The referenced wedding is that of Marty and Patty Volla.  I'd totally forgotten that Audrey's favorite cousin- Zona lived in California.  As a mom, I suspect it was wonderful to finally be off the road and out of the car with 2 little ones.  Still pretty impressive parenting to take on such a road trip.

Moving on from this trip- the next collection of postcards involves a time leap to 1969-
My Old Kentucky Home, State Shine
Bardstown, Kentucky
Dated 3.29.1969-  Audrey writes "We are on our way to South Carolina.  Richard tried to call last night, no answer.  Left home at 110m on 3.27.  Remind me to never complain about the traffic on Butte Mortes Bridge.  Spent the entire afternoon in one mass traffic jam.

Editor's Note- This one also struck a cord of nostalgia- as Dom and I camped at this place in 2021...although it's now been promoted to State Park status.  And- if she was complaining about traffic in 1969- can you imagine what she'd think about today's roads?   I feel like this adventure was related to the parents trying to decide between grad school in South Carolina vs. Arizona- but I could be mistaken.  

A second postcard from the girls was sent soon after- with Laura actually signing her own name...
Rhododendron in bloom near Newfound Gap
Great Smoky Mountain National Park
Dated 6.30.69 The girls write Dear Big Grandma- saw a few pretty flowers like this today.  It is nice and warm in Columbia.  Mom toured the Baltimore House.  Big and fancy.  Had pancakes this morning, love Laura and Martha

Editor's notes-  A chatty pair are we I see?  

Another time jump...
Little Red School House
Knott's Berry Farm and Ghost Town, Buena Park CA
The girls are continuing to send the card- 
Dated 1.27.71. Dear Grandma, We really enjoyed Knott's Berry Farm.  Today to Disney Land.  Yesterday we were kissed by a monkey, rode down a waterfall in a log.  It's been so much fun! Love Laura and Martha

And well look here- that there is the monkey smooching on Martha!  
and Laura too!
The power of the postcard- records the story when the story tellers are now longer here to tell the story...

Fremont Street
A day view of "Glitter Gulch" looking east 
and towards the gambling center of Las Vegas
Looks like another trip happened a few months later. 

 This one is dated 4.6.1971. Audrey writes "Being on Fremont Streets made me right Fremont Wisconsin (she had addressed the card to Irene in Fremont, but scratched it out and wrote Weyauwega). The tests are over, no results but Richard felt he did his best.  We saw three shows, the best being Robert Goulet.  Man- what a voice.   The slots we lousy.  Love Audrey and Richard. 

Editor's Note- So- my guess is that it was in the Spring of 1971- that Richard completed his course work for his EdD.  Obviously- he would go on to earn said degree- so it's pretty safe to say- he passed the test.    

 Was this a trip to celebrate the completion of school or a birthday get away for Audrey- regardless the reason- it puts a smile on my heart to read of the parents taking some time to get away from the responsibilities of home and work.   

Pershing Square
Showing Biltmore Hotel
Los Angeles California
Dated 2.19.1972. Audrey writes "We arrived in LA yesterday.  The folks came with us.  Grandma decided they should fly, so they now have experienced their first plane ride.  She may never admit this, but I know she has decided it is the only way to travel.  Richard is at the convention so I am off on a tour of Hollywood and Beverly Hills.  We are staying at the Biltmore.  Tomorrow we will be spent with the folks and Uncle Virgil.

Editor's Note- Seriously- the power of the postcard is blowing me away this afternoon...This card coupled with this old photo- could it be- the reason they took the picture was to celebrate the first time the grandparents flew?  
And that- yes- this photo was likely taken around the same time- I love the KFC buckets- as they remind me of Uncle Virgil- his doppelgänger. 

And the family is on the move yet again...

Deep In the Heart of Text- Six Flags and Famous Oil Wells
Dated 7.19 (most likely 1972) Audrey writes We left Tucson yesterday about 4 pm and are half way to Georgia.  Man- Texas is Big.

Editor's Note- You aren't kidding- Audrey.  Having made the drive myself a time or two.   Again- blown away by the mileage this pair would log in any given day!   Of course, I can also hear Richard chiming in with a "Hurry up, we're burning daylight!"  

The postcards taper off at this point.  Was there less traveling?  More phone calls? Letters exchanged?  Or maybe saving the postcards just didn't make the cut?  

The Hope Diamond- National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institute
7.26.1973-  It would be my turn to send the postcard to Grandma (with some scribe support from Audrey- my handwriting has never been that crisp)..I wrote Dear Grandma- I'm sure having a great time, but my feet sure are very tired.  The diamond sure is pretty.  I also got to see the Shah of Iran and the President arrive in the helicopter.  Also went through the White House.  Love Martha

Editor's Note- We had unearthed the photos- but the postcard gives us a timeline for when we had visited DC- right around my 8th birthday.   

Another big 1985.

By this time- Audrey and Richard had moved yet again- to Wyoming and Audrey would be starting the decline of her health..
Superstition Mountain- 
Located east of Mesa at the gateway to the Valley of the Sun
Audrey writes "Weather is beautiful.  80 degrees.  Stayed with Craig last night.  Mostly just drove around yesterday.  Going down to Tucson today.  Return late Tuesday evening.

Editor's note- I recall seeing photos of Audrey and Craig- but didn't recall the context.  Now it seems like perhaps they took a trip down memory lane to the Arizona desert.  Ah, so many little details come into focus...
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
Dated 10.23.87...Audrey writes "Connie and Shirley are having a great time.  Weather is cold but sunny.  Have seen many animals, buffalo, elk but so far no jackalopes.   Richard informed me tonight that we will be babysitting a parrot.  Should be home by Friday.  I'm doing well, pain in leg from too long of bus riding.
Last girl's trip...
Editor's note- This one tugs at the heart a little more than any of the others.  Putting the pieces in place- this was likely not just the last true vacation she would take with her besties- but the pain she mentioned is likely not from sitting but from the advancing cancer, as it had spread to her bones.   And yet here she was- traveling with her besties...showing them the beauty that is Wyoming. 

A few more postcards were found...noting that we had indeed "understood the assignment" connect with Grandma via a postcard- even after Audrey was no longer around to prompt us to do so..
Smile, Please
Mickey and his favorite pals pose for a group portrait 
in front of Disneyland's most picturesque location- Sleeping Beauty Castle
12.24.1990 Laura writes Dear Grandma, Miss Martha and I are having a great time.  We've been together for 9 days and no fights.  She did however threaten to remove the batteries from my camera.  Today is Christmas Eve, which we will spend with our friends and neighbors, the Wallers.  Miss you, Love Laura
It's a good thing I didn't make good on my threat- otherwise we wouldn't have this photo that confirms the facts within the post card!

Editor's summary- while I can certainly appreciate why postcards have fallen out of favor (have you seen the cost of postage?!)...there is indeed something special that is conveyed when you send a postcard.  

It reflects that you are making time during your travels, to  collect your thoughts  and summarize them to fit into that that tiny little square. You have to buy a stamp and find a mail box.  It's a gift that extends way beyond the simple card.

It's a way of saying...

  "Hi mom- I love you and I miss you...and wish you were here...!"
And that's a sentiment that will never be lost...

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