As we know- Richard spent a lot of his retirement years traveling. I am not sure there was anywhere left on his travel wish list when his body began to fail and traveling was no longer as joyful as it once was.
And while we enjoyed seeing him explore the world, at least for me- it was always a bittersweet memory. Audrey didn't make it to the retirement era-where time is plentiful and you get to "go-go" if that's your choice. At least in my mind- I felt she was cheated out of the thrill of travel.
But what I discovered today- is that I need to change this narrative
You see- I finally tackled the last box of "inherited memories"
It was a medium sized moving box that I brought back from WI nearly 2.5 years ago. In it- were all of Audrey's travel scrapbooks. Not the photo album types, but the good old fashioned 12x15 albums with tan paper. Albums (4 in total I think) filled with faded maps, postcards, pamphlets, guidebooks, receipts, hotel napkins and restaurant menus. You name it- she saved it as proof that she was there- like any proud scrapbooker is taught to do!
Now granted, there aren't many notes or reflections shared on the pages of these albums. I think that just wasn't the "thing" back then. But even in the absence of a narrative- I found that Audrey had experienced the gift of travel- in abundance!
*editors note- the photos in this post do not necessarily directly correspond to the words I am writing. Instead- they are a collection that reflect travel thru the years.
There was the honeymoon in 1959- to Green Lake and Sheboygan, WI. There was a road trip to Washington DC and New York City- with a playbill from Flower Drum Song (dang mom- I haven't seen a play on Broadway!). There was a visit to Seattle's World Fair in 1962- complete with pit stops at all the places Instagram now tells us are must see experiences.
There were multiple camping trips- and we aren't talking just "up north" like most fellow Wisconsinites.
Nope- Richard and Audrey camped their way across the plains, through the Rockies, to the coast and up to Canada- on multiple occasions.
They took in the southern charm and history of the south with multiple trips to the Carolinas..

And what I found most admirable was that they took their two young daughters on an epic adventure in 1967.
Do the math- unless I was a prodigy- they were traveling with a child not potty trained in an era before disposable diapers. This woman
was a warrior long before cancer challenged her to show us all what a feisty fighter she was- A road trip with young children takes serious commitment to the plan! But...I digress...
Let this be a reminder to us all-
don't let the realities of life get in your way of taking a road trip. Pack the bags and hit the road-
it's what Richard AND Audrey would want you to do!
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